chbCheckQueue.Caption=Check non-empty queue on exit
chbWholeWords.Caption=Keep whole words
gbColorHighlight.Caption=Color highlight
btnOddMsg.Caption=Odd messages...
btnOddMsg.Hint=Setup font of the odd messages
btnEvenMsg.Caption=Even messages...
btnEvenMsg.Hint=Setup font of the even messages
chbSignature.Caption=Append signature
gbGSM.Caption=Mobile phone connection
LabelComPort.Caption=Communication port:
GSMInfo.Caption=If you want to use connected mobile phone, you must select a port that is used by the phone. You can use autodetection if you are not sure what port to select. In DreamCom you can use mobile phone to send messages and import contacts.
chbDisconnectMobile.Caption=Disconnect after all messages have been sent
chbShowUpdates.Caption=Search for updates on startup
NewMsgError=Unable to setup indication of incoming messages.
SendMsgError=Unable to send the message, modem is bussy.
NottreatedError=Unknown error has occured.
AtModem=No answer from modem.
RegEmailInfo=Email sending is available only in registered version.
NoMobileFound=No connected mobile phone were found.
MELoading=Loading contacts from phone memory.
SMLoading=Loading contacts from SIM card.
OpeningPort=Openning communication port...
DetectedMobile=Phone %s was found on COM%d.
LoadingBanner=Loading banner...
UnregGSMAdrInfo=This version of program imports only the first ten records.\nIf you want to import all your contacts, you must purchase the GSM version.